Welcome to Kennel Erövrarens

Modern breeding to get better dogs. Times are changing and so are we!

As we enter a new era of breeding our future dogs might look different and they might act different - because they will be different. We have never been breeding for looks, our aim has, and always will be, healthy, happy dogs with a robust body and a strong mind. We will start to outcross our White Swiss Shepherds in order to add genetic diversity to our breed, but our aim will remain the same.


Latest news

Whats new in the world of Erövrarens?

Regarding litters and health updates

Written by Linda 3 weeks ago

We get quite a few inquiries about whether there will be a litter of puppies with us again soon. The answer is no. We have applied to SKK regarding our wish to make an outcross litter. The application was sent this summer. We have not received any response yet. SKK had a meeting in September, […]

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Am I an author now?

Written by Linda 5 months ago

A few months ago, I was asked by the Swedish Dog Breeders’ Association if I wanted to write an article about how I think about breeding. I thought about it for a long time before I answered yes. Their editor did a great job with the text and pictures I submitted and I think the […]

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Decisions have been made

Written by Linda 5 months ago

About seven months ago I was out of patience and was truly in despair. Trying to change the way we breed is a tremendous job, and I was about to run out of energy. However, I have such great people around me, and they gave me the strength I needed to hang in there. My […]

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Out of patience

Written by Linda 12 months ago

A lot has happened since I last updated and to sum it up briefly, I can probably say that my patience has actually run out.For some years I have worked hard to bring about a change in today’s breeding, partly by devoting a huge amount of time to the breed club, partly by being the […]

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